Continuing the Surrender Novena, I'll introduce Day 5 with some material about if from a blog post on The Catholic Exchange by someone named Maura Roan McKeegan. She explains that the author of this prayer was Servant of God Don Dolindo Ruotolo—for a short time, the spiritual director of St. Padre Pio—who experienced receiving the words of the Surrender Novena from Jesus.
"St. Pio said Don Dolindo was a 'saint' and that 'the whole of Paradise' was in his soul," McKeegan writes. She goes on to report that, "Don Dolindo called himself 'Mary’s little old man.' He lived in such great poverty that his own family turned away from him. He opened his arms without fear to embrace contagious sick people, caressing and kissing them. He offered himself as a victim soul for mankind, and was afflicted with many sufferings, including complete paralysis for the last ten years of his life. But he suffered with joy, because he suffered for love."
The Surrender Novena
Day 5
Hear our Brother and Friend, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ say to you,
"And when I must lead you on a path different from the one you see, I will prepare you; I will carry you in my arms; I will let you find yourself, like children who have fallen asleep in their mother’s arms, on the other bank of the river. What troubles you and hurts you immensely are your reason, your thoughts and worry, and your desire at all costs to deal with what afflicts you."
Then pray the following: O Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of everything! (10 times, perhaps with Rosary beads)